Legislative Department
63 Colvin Avenue
Albany, NY 12206
(518) 489-8424, ext.219
Fax: (518) 435-1523
E Mail: c82@council82.org
Council 82 represents police officers, deputy sheriffs, county correction officers and NYS Law Enforcement Officers throughout the state. Each year, the New York State Legislature considers hundreds of pieces of legislation that affect the working lives of New York’s Law Enforcement Officers. Legislation varies from the adoption of a New York State budget, which provides the funding for many of the services our members afford to New York State and its communities, to specific pieces of retirement legislation that address the special retirement needs of law enforcement officers and legislation that mandates health and safety standards. Council 82's Legislative Department's goal is the improvement of our member’s benefits, health and safety, and their working conditions through the legislative and political process.
For our union to have the maximum impact on the legislative process, Council 82 has developed a legislative and political action program that educates and trains our members, involves them in elections at all levels and backs up their actions with the staff and financial resources to achieve results. Council 82 continues to be in the forefront of political action and involvement in the election of candidates who support the unique needs of the law enforcement community.
Council 82’s Legislative Update highlights many of the bills that the New York State Legislature is currently considering that impacts the membership of Council 82. The Update shows the current status of legislation, the bill numbers, the legislative sponsors and a short description of the proposed legislation. If you have any questions or need more information on the legislation contained in this report, please contact Council 82's Legislative Department at c82@council82.org. The report is organized by subject matter. This update and other information regarding legislation can be found on our web site www.council82.org.
You may also download legislative information including Senate and Assembly bill copies via the NYS Assembly and Senate web sites at www.assembly.state.ny.us or www.senate.state.ny.us. Other web sites of interest are the Governor’s web site, www.state.ny.us/gov, the Attorney General’s web site, www.oag.state.ny.us, and the State Comptroller’s web site, www.osc.state.ny.us. For more detailed information on the state budget and other issues of interest to working families visit the Fiscal Policy Institute web site at www.fiscalpolicy.org.